Science Buddies (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Science Buddies Blog : Wiggly worms perform important tasks that are critical to the health and survival of other organisms. Chiefly, many worms are " decomposers ." By eating dead plants, worms process the debris and return important nutrients to the soil . At the same time, by tunneling their way through soil, they keep the soil aerated, which allows water and air to enter. Thanks to worms, your plants and vegetables have a better chance of success! .. .ero . Related articles A Watershed Moment: Anybody Want Some Worms? Earthworms ruin nutrients, moisture on forest floor, say researchers Recycling Manuscripts, Part 2 - Worm Composting I have Worms!! Yes, you read that right. Scotts Snap Spreader System Review Global Worming: How To Save The World ( Soil blocks: how to transplant seedlings without going potty ( Worms (