
Showing posts from November, 2012

Invisible Wi-Fi signals caught on camera - YouTube

Invisible Wi-Fi signals caught on camera - YouTube : " "

My Life as a Turkey

Watch My Life as a Turkey on PBS. See more from Nature.

NYC Is Turning Payphones Into Wi-Fi Hotspots

NYC Is Turning Payphones Into Wi-Fi Hotspots :  "New York City’s Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications introduced on Wednesday the city’s first payphones-turned-Wi-Fi hotspots. They’re free of charge for any nearby New Yorker (or visitor) to use for connecting his smartphone, tablet or laptop to the Internet. Internet services are being provided in cooperation with Van Wagner and Titan."

Senator Charles E. Schumer

English: Charles Schumer, United States Senator from New York Español: Charles Schumer, Senador de los Estados Unidos de Nueva York (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Senator Charles E. Schumer :  "“In neighborhoods of Staten Island , Brooklyn , Queens , Lower Manhattan , and Long Island , there was a virtual communications blackout , with residents struggling to find out vital information such as where disaster aid resources were located, and what had happened to their friends, family and neighbors.  First responders were severely hindered as well – in Long Beach , for example, special equipment needed to be brought in so they could continue to communicate,” said Schumer. “When it comes to keeping our vital communications networks up-and-running, we can and must do better.”" ...ero. Related articles Schumer Thanks Fire Departments Schumer and Nadler Say Sandy Was Our Wake-Up Call for Better Disaster Infrastructure Chuck Schumer Is NOT Going To Reduce The Deficit By...

Obama’s Moment -

Obama’s Moment - :  "How fast is that Chattanooga choo-choo? The majority of Chattanooga homes and businesses get 50 megabits per second, some 100 megabits, a few 250 and those with big needs opt for a full gigabit per second, explained Harold DePriest, the chief executive of EPB, the city’s electric power and telecom provider, which built and operates the network. “The average around the country is 4.5 megabits per second.” So average Internet speed in Chattanooga is 10 times the national average. That doesn’t just mean faster downloads. The fiber grid means 150,000 Chattanooga homes now have smart electric meters to track their energy consumption in real time. More important, said DePriest, on July 5, Chattanooga got hit with an unusual storm that knocked out power to 80,000 homes. Thanks to intelligent power switching on the fiber network, he said, “42,000 homes had their electricity restored in ... 2 seconds.” Old days: 17 hours."

6174 (number) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

6174 (number) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia : "6174 is known as Kaprekar's constant[1][2][3] after the Indian mathematician D. R. Kaprekar. This number is notable for the following property: Take any four-digit number, using at least two different digits. (Leading zeros are allowed.) Arrange the digits in ascending and then in descending order to get two four-digit numbers, adding leading zeros if necessary. Subtract the smaller number from the bigger number. Go back to step 2. The above process, known as Kaprekar's routine, will always reach its fixed point, 6174, in at most 7 iterations.[4] Once 6174 is reached, the process will continue yielding 7641 – 1467 = 6174"

6174 (number) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

6174 (number) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia : "6174 (number)"

Neural Correlates of Lyrical Improvisation: An fMRI Study of Freestyle Rap : Scientific Reports : Nature Publishing Group

Neural Correlates of Lyrical Improvisation: An fMRI Study of Freestyle Rap : Scientific Reports : Nature Publishing Group :  "Spontaneous improvisation is a complex cognitive process that shares features with what has been characterized as a ‘flow’ state. It has been suggested that the frontal lobe, may play a central role in the improvisatory process, although the nature of its contributions is unclear. On this basis, in addition to its other characteristics, we expected the neural correlates of lyrical improvisation to include changes in prefrontal activity that might enable spontaneous creative activity through effects on systems that regulate attention, affect, language and motor control."

Placebos Work Better On Stoics: Scientific American Podcast

Placebos Work Better On Stoics: Scientific American Podcast :  "The researchers found that pretend meds don’t do much for people who tend toward hostility. They work best for folks who are naturally resilient, and altruistic."

First Teleportation from One Macroscopic Object to Another | MIT Technology Review

Diagram for quantum teleportation of a photon (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) First Teleportation from One Macroscopic Object to Another | MIT Technology Review :  "Physicists have teleported quantum information from one ensemble of atoms to another 150 metres away, a demonstration that paves the way towards quantum routers and a quantum Internet " Related articles First Teleportation From One Macroscopic Object to Another First Teleportation From One Macroscopic Object to Another What should governments do when technology changes faster than regulations? Hackers Can Take Down LTE Networks in Entire Regions with Cheap Jammers

HowStuffWorks "What is a funicular railway?"

English: This funicular transports golfers and their carts between holes at the resort's golf courses. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) HowStuffWorks "What is a funicular railway?" :  "A funicular uses the technology of an elevator (a cable pulling a car up) and the technology of a railroad (a car on a track). Devised in the 15th century as a way of getting people and things up steep hillsides, the funicular now is more likely to carry skiers to the top of a mountain. In the United States , they are often referred to as incline railways." Related articles This is Not a Crazy Roller Coaster, Just a Funicular Railway in Switzerland Take a ride on Switzerland's friendly Gelmerbahn funicular railway, whatever that is...(15 Photos) A Mountain Walk

AT&T, Verizon Phase Out Copper Networks, 'A Lifeline' After Sandy

AT&T, Verizon Phase Out Copper Networks, 'A Lifeline' After Sandy :  "The divide beween Cardillo and her parents after the storm illustrates one of the major concerns with the reliability of the new telecommunications infrastructure, consumer advocates say. Phone companies are phasing out their aging copper-line networks and moving customers to either wireless service or landline phones that run over the Internet.  But the newer technology relies on something that didn't exist for days across the Northeast: electricity. After the storm, Cardillo's parents found that their phones worked only because copper wires carried electricity from the phone companies' offices."

AT&T's IP Investment Could Reshape Telecom Regulation - Tech Daily Dose

English: capacity of coaxial cable network Nederlands: transportcapaciteit van de coax kabel (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) AT&T's IP Investment Could Reshape Telecom Regulation - Tech Daily Dose :  "In the absence of any regulatory requirements , telecommunications companies would negotiate reciprocal agreements to carry traffic. In a worse-case scenario, this could lead to interruptions of the type seen in pay-TV , when broadcast signals and cable network feeds are withheld from subscribers when service providers and content owners negotiate over pricing. "Whether I get to see Mad Men is one thing," said Feld, citing a recent dispute between AMC and Dish Network . "Whether I can call the hospital in an emergency--that's something else." Related articles AT&T's IP Investment Could Reshape Telecom Regulation

What Republicans Can Learn from Nate Silver | GOPlifer | a blog

What Republicans Can Learn from Nate Silver | GOPlifer | a blog :  "There are lessons in the story of Nate Silver that could help Republicans recover their mojo.  Silver’s success against a posse of partisan hacks is a reminder of the price to be paid for deriding the “reality-based community.”  Conservatives need to bring themselves back into alignment with the world outside the echo chamber. We need to do it soon.  Very soon."

Bruce Kushnick: Cable's Social Contract on America and Other Cable Scandals: But Who's Counting?

This image was selected as a picture of the week on the Farsi Wikipedia for the 13th week, 2011. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Bruce Kushnick: Cable's Social Contract on America and Other Cable Scandals: But Who's Counting? :  " You have more choices for candy bars or diet beers than there are for Internet and broadband services." ...ero. Related articles Bruce Kushnick: Internet Freedom? You Are in an Internet Prison and You Don't Even Know It Bruce Kushnick: Cable's Social Contract on America and Other Cable Scandals: But Who's Counting? Bruce Kushnick: $360 Billion in Customer Overcharging From Broadband -- and Counting Bruce Kushnick: Internet Freedom? You Are in an Internet Prison and You Don't Even Know It AT&T is glad to expand service, but wants pesky FCC regulations dropped UPC Holding Reports Third Quarter 2012 Results

Hurricane Sandy Delivers 'Another Catastrophe' To Verizon's Home, Complicating Network Repairs

Hurricane Sandy Delivers 'Another Catastrophe' To Verizon's Home, Complicating Network Repairs :  "On Saturday morning, pumps sucked thousands of gallons of salt water from the building's basement and spewed it into the street. A roaring 2-megawatt generator kept Verizon's underground network of switches running until power was restored. In the cable vault, Verizon employees wearing white hard hats walked amid rows of tangled, multi-colored cables. Some began the tedious process of splicing wet copper wires and drying them out beneath fans and dehumidifiers." ...ero.



Heckler Interrupts Romney Campaign Event - YouTube

Heckler Interrupts Romney Campaign Event - YouTube : " "   What Global Warming Silence?  USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! 

Broadband Wireless News

Broadband Wireless News :  Verizon Wireless: 6% of Cell Sites Offline in Northeast As of Wednesday afternoon, Verizon Wireless reported that more than 94% of it cell towers in the Northeastern United States (from Maine to Virginia) were operational and supporting customers. the company said it has seen some improvement to wireless service in lower Manhattan and elsewhere in the NYC metro area over the past 24 hours as power is being restored. A number of cell sites are still on backup power and the company is working to refuel these locations as expeditiously as possible.